Backups are created in the ini folder of your archlord Dir and gets a name like this "itemtemplateentry_datetime.ini" - the WC field is a hint only...
archlord item ini editor
Archlord Item INI Editor 1.2 1.0ArchlordItemTemplateAll.ini 1.2Archlord\ini\ItemTemplateAll.ini.... Archlord Item Ini Editor Ssnx History: - 08.04.2010 V1.0 First release - 08.04.2010 V1.1 Fixed the Race/Class detection - 14.04.2010 V1.2 Autobuild Name.... archlord item ini editor graphicriver multipurpose business flyer vol 21 shane gliser creating mobile apps with jquery mobile pocket controller 6 02 keygen 1288d90c24
archlord item ini editor