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Apktool Zombie 2: The Ultimate Guide to Android APK Reverse Engineering


What is APKTool Zombie 2 and why you should use it

If you are an Android enthusiast who likes to mod apps or uncover their secrets, you probably have heard of APKTool. It is the most popular reverse engineering tool to decompile Android APKs into smali code, which can then be converted to Java code for easier analysis. It can also decode resources to nearly original form and rebuild them after making some modifications.

But did you know that there is a new version of APKTool that has been released recently? It is called APKTool Zombie 2 and it is a fork of the original APKTool with many improvements and features. In this article, we will show you how to install and use APKTool Zombie 2 on your device, how to decode and recompile Android apps using it, how to use it for modding and reverse engineering Android apps, and how to stay updated with the latest version of it.

apktool zombie 2

How to install APKTool Zombie 2 on your device

Installing APKTool Zombie 2 on your device is very easy. You just need to follow these steps:

  • Download the latest version of from the official website.

  • Rename the downloaded jar file to apktool.jar.

  • Move both files (apktool.jar and apktool) to /usr/local/bin (root needed).

  • Make sure both files are executable (chmod +x).

  • Try running apktool via cli.

Or you can install apktool via Homebrew:

  • Install Homebrew as described in .

  • Type brew install apktool in the terminal.

  • Enjoy!

How to decode and recompile Android apps using APKTool Zombie 2

Once you have installed APKTool Zombie 2 on your device, you can start decoding and recompiling Android apps using it. Here are some examples and tips:

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  • To decode an app, use the command apktool d app.apk. This will create a folder named app in the same directory as the apk file.

  • To recompile an app, use the command apktool b app. This will create a new apk file named app/dist/app.apk in the app folder.

  • To sign an app, use the command apktool sign app.apk. This will create a signed apk file named app.s.apk in the same directory as the apk file.

  • To verify an app, use the command apktool verify app.apk. This will check if the apk file is valid and signed.

  • To use a custom framework, use the command apktool if framework-res.apk. This will install the framework to /home/user/apktool/framework/1.apk.

  • To use a different output directory, use the -o option. For example, apktool d -o output app.apk.

  • To use a different temporary directory, use the -t option. For example, apktool d -t temp app.apk.

  • To force delete the destination directory, use the -f option. For example, apktool d -f app.apk.

  • To keep the broken resources, use the -r option. For example, apktool d -r app.apk.

  • To keep the original AndroidManifest.xml file, use the -p option. For example, apktool d -p app.apk.

How to fix common errors and issues with APKTool Zombie 2

Sometimes, you may encounter some errors and issues when using APKTool Zombie 2. Here are some common ones and how to fix them:


Exception in thread "main" brut.androlib.AndrolibException: Could not decode arsc fileTry using a different version of APKTool Zombie 2 or install a custom framework for the app.

Exception in thread "main" brut.androlib.AndrolibException: Could not decode XML fileTry using the -p option to keep the original AndroidManifest.xml file or edit it manually.

Exception in thread "main" brut.androlib.AndrolibException: Could not find resourcesMake sure you have decoded the app with APKTool Zombie 2 before recompiling it or use the -r option to keep the broken resources.

Exception in thread "main" brut.androlib.AndrolibException: Could not find smali fileMake sure you have decompiled the app with APKTool Zombie 2 before recompiling it or use the -s option to skip sources.

Exception in thread "main" brut.androlib.AndrolibException: Could not find 9patch fileMake sure you have decoded the app with APKTool Zombie 2 before recompiling it or use the -m option to match original files by CRC.

Exception in thread "main" brut.androlib.AndrolibException: Could not find certificateMake sure you have signed the app with APKTool Zombie 2 before verifying it or use a different keystore and alias.

Exception in thread "main" brut.androlib.AndrolibException: Unknown exceptionTry using a different version of APKTool Zombie 2 or report the bug on GitHub.

How to use APKTool Zombie 2 for modding and reverse engineering Android apps

APKTool Zombie 2 is not only a tool for decoding and recompiling Android apps, but also a powerful tool for modding and reverse engineering them. You can use it to extract resources and assets from Android apps, edit and modify AndroidManifest.xml and other XML files, decompile and convert smali code to Java code, inject custom code and libraries into Android apps, and test and debug your modified apps. In this section, we will show you how to do these things using APKTool Zombie 2.

How to extract resources and assets from Android apps using APKTool Zombie 2

One of the main features of APKTool Zombie 2 is that it can decode resources to nearly original form. This means that you can extract images, sounds, fonts, and other assets from Android apps using it. Here are some examples and tips:

  • To extract all resources from an app, use the command apktool d app.apk. This will create a folder named app in the same directory as the apk file. Inside this folder, you will find a subfolder named res that contains all the resources of the app.

  • To extract only specific resources from an app, use the command apktool d -r app.apk. This will create a folder named app in the same directory as the apk file. Inside this folder, you will find a subfolder named res that contains only the resources that are not broken by APKTool Zombie 2.

  • To extract only specific types of resources from an app, use the command apktool d -r app.apk -f type. This will create a folder named app in the same directory as the apk file. Inside this folder, you will find a subfolder named res that contains only the resources of the specified type. For example, apktool d -r app.apk -f drawable will extract only drawable resources.

  • To extract only specific files from an app, use the command apktool d -r app.apk -f file. This will create a folder named app in the same directory as the apk file. Inside this folder, you will find a subfolder named res that contains only the specified file. For example, apktool d -r app.apk -f icon.png will extract only icon.png.

  • To extract assets from an app, use the command apktool d app.apk. This will create a folder named app in the same directory as the apk file. Inside this folder, you will find a subfolder named assets that contains all the assets of the app.

How to edit and modify AndroidManifest.xml and other XML files using APKTool Zombie 2

Another feature of APKTool Zombie 2 is that it can decode AndroidManifest.xml and other XML files to human-readable form. This means that you can edit and modify them using any text editor. Here are some examples and tips:

  • To edit AndroidManifest.xml, use the command apktool d app.apk. This will create a folder named app in the same directory as the apk file. Inside this folder, you will find a file named AndroidManifest.xml that you can open and edit with any text editor.

  • To edit other XML files, use the command apktool d app.apk. This will create a folder named app in the same directory as the apk file. Inside this folder, you will find a subfolder named res that contains all the XML files of the app. You can open and edit them with any text editor.

  • To modify permissions, activities, services, receivers, providers, and other components of an app, edit their corresponding tags and attributes in AndroidManifest.xml. For example, to add a new permission, add a tag with the name attribute set to the permission name.

  • To modify strings, colors, dimensions, styles, themes, and other resources of an app, edit their corresponding values in res/values/*.xml files. For example, to change the app name, edit the value of in res/values/strings.xml.

  • To modify layouts, menus, preferences, dialogs, and other UI elements of an app, edit their corresponding XML files in res/layout/*.xml files. For example, to change the background color of an activity, edit the android:background attribute of in res/layout/activity_main.xml.

How to decompile and convert smali code to Java code using APKTool Zombie 2

One of the most powerful features of APKTool Zombie 2 is that it can decompile smali code to Java code using baksmali and smali tools. This means that you can analyze and understand the logic and functionality of Android apps using it. Here are some examples and tips:

  • To decompile smali code to Java code, use the command apktool d -s app.apk. This will create a folder named app in the same directory as the apk file. Inside this folder, you will find a subfolder named smali that contains all the smali files of the app.

  • To convert smali code to Java code, use the command baksmali deodex -o outdir smalifile.smali. This will create a folder named outdir in the same directory as the smali file. Inside this folder, you will find a Java file with the same name as the smali file.

  • To convert Java code to smali code, use the command smali assemble -o outdir This will create a folder named outdir in the same directory as the Java file. Inside this folder, you will find a smali file with the same name as the Java file.

  • To analyze and understand Java code, use any Java decompiler or IDE that can open and edit Java files. For example, you can use .

  • To analyze and understand smali code, use any text editor that can open and edit smali files. For example, you can use .

How to analyze and understand Java code using APKTool Zombie 2

Java code is the most common and widely used programming language for Android apps. It is easier to read and write than smali code, but it is still not very straightforward. You need to have some basic knowledge of Java syntax and concepts to be able to analyze and understand Java code. Here are some examples and tips:

  • To identify the classes, methods, variables, and other elements of Java code, look for their declarations and definitions in the Java file. For example, a class declaration starts with the keyword class followed by the class name and optionally extends or implements other classes or interfaces. A method declaration starts with the access modifier (public, private, protected, etc.), followed by the return type, the method name, and the parameters in parentheses. A variable declaration starts with the type, followed by the variable name and optionally an assignment.

  • To understand the logic and functionality of Java code, follow the flow of execution and look for control structures, loops, conditions, expressions, statements, and operators in the Java file. For example, an if statement starts with the keyword if followed by a condition in parentheses and a block of code in braces. A for loop starts with the keyword for followed by an initialization, a condition, and an update in parentheses and a block of code in braces. An expression is a combination of values, variables, operators, and methods that evaluates to a single value.

  • To modify Java code, use any text editor or IDE that can open and edit Java files. For example, you can use . Make sure you follow the Java syntax and conventions when making changes to avoid errors and bugs.

How to inject custom code and libraries into Android apps using APKTool Zombie 2

One of the most advanced features of APKTool Zombie 2 is that it can inject custom code and libraries into Android apps using hooks, patches, frameworks, and other techniques. This means that you can add new features and functionalities to Android apps using it. Here are some examples and tips:

  • To inject custom code into an app, use the command apktool d -s app.apk. This will create a folder named app in the same directory as the apk file. Inside this folder, you will find a subfolder named smali that contains all the smali files of the app.

  • To inject custom code into a specific method of a class, open the corresponding smali file with any text editor and look for the method declaration. Then insert your custom code before or after the original code using smali syntax and instructions. For example, to inject a toast message into the onCreate method of the MainActivity class, you can insert the following code: const-string v0, "Hello from APKTool Zombie 2!" invoke-static p0, v0, Landroid/widget/Toast;->makeText(Landroid/content/Context;Ljava/lang/CharSequence;)Landroid/widget/Toast; move-result-object v0 invoke-virtual v0, Landroid/widget/Toast;->show()V

  • To inject custom code into a specific point of execution of a class, use the command apktool d -s app.apk. This will create a folder named app in the same directory as the apk file. Inside this folder, you will find a subfolder named smali that contains all the smali files of the app.

  • To inject custom code into a specific point of execution of a class, open the corresponding smali file with any text editor and look for the instruction that marks the point of execution. Then insert your custom code before or after the instruction using smali syntax and instructions. For example, to inject a log message into the point where the app calls startActivity, you can insert the following code: const-string v0, "APKTool Zombie 2" const-string v1, "startActivity called" invoke-static v0, v1, Landroid/util/Log;->d(Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)I

  • To inject custom libraries into an app, use the command apktool d -s app.apk. This will create a folder named app in the same directory as the apk file. Inside this folder, you will find a subfolder named lib that contains all the native libraries of the app.

  • To inject custom libraries into an app, copy your custom library files to the lib subfolder and rename them according to the architecture of the device. For example, if your custom library is named and you want to inject it into an arm64-v8a device, copy it to lib/arm64-v8a and rename it to

  • To load your custom libraries in an app, edit AndroidManifest.xml and add a tag with the name attribute set to the name of your custom library without the lib prefix and the .so suffix. For example, to load, add .

How to test and debug your modified apps using APKTool Zombie 2

After you have injected custom code and libraries into Android apps using APKTool Zombie 2, you need to test and debug them to make sure they work as expected and do not cause any errors or crashes. Here are some examples and tips:

  • To test your modified apps, use the command apktool b app. This will create a new apk file named app/dist/app.apk in the app folder. Then sign it with APKTool Zombie 2 using apktool sign app.apk. This will create a signed apk file named app.s.apk in the same directory as the apk file.

  • To debug your modified apps, use any tool or method that can capture and display log messages from Android apps. For example, you can use . Look for any errors or warnings that may indicate problems with your custom code or libraries.

  • To run your modified apps on an emulator or a device, use any tool or method that can install and launch Android apps. For example, you can use . Make sure you have enabled unknown sources on your emulator or device before installing your modified apps.

How to stay updated with the latest version of APKTool Zombie 2

APKTool Zombie 2 is a constantly evolving tool that gets updated frequently with new features and bug fixes. You should always use the latest version of APKTool Zombie 2 to get the best performance and compatibility with Android apps. In this section, we will show you how to download the latest version of APKTool Zombie 2 from the official website, how to check for updates and report bugs using APKTool Zombie 2, and how to follow the development and news of APKTool Zombie 2 on social media.

How to download the latest version of APKTool Zombie 2 from the official website

The official website of APKTool Zombie 2 is . Here you can find all the information and documentation about APKTool Zombie 2, as well as the direct link and changelog of the latest version. To download the latest version of APKTool Zombie 2 from the official website, follow these steps:

  • Go to and scroll down to the Download section.

  • Click on the Download button and choose the version that suits your device and operating system.

  • Save the downloaded jar file to your device and rename it to apktool.jar.

  • Follow the installation instructions in the previous section to install APKTool Zombie 2 on your device.

How to check for updates and report bugs using APKTool Zombie 2

The official GitHub page of APKTool Zombie 2 is . Here you can find all the source code and releases of APKTool Zombie 2, as well as the issues tracker where you can check for updates and report bugs. To check for updates and report bugs using APKTool Zombie 2, follow these steps:

  • Go to and click on the Releases tab.

  • Compare the latest release with your current version of APKTool Zombie 2 and see if there are any new features or bug fixes.

  • If there is a newer version available, download it from the Assets section and follow the installation instructions in the previous section to update APKTool Zombie 2 on your device.

  • If you encounter any problems or errors with APKTool Zombie 2, click on the Issues tab and search for existing issues that may be related to your problem.

  • If you find an existing issue that matches your problem, read the comments and solutions provided by other users or developers.

  • If you do not find an existing issue that matches your problem, create a new issue by clicking on the New issue button and filling out the template with as much detail as possible.

How to follow the development and news of APKTool Zombie 2 on social media

The official social media accounts of APKTool Zombie 2 are . Here you can follow the development and news of APKTool Zombie 2, as well as interact with other users and developers. To follow the development and news of APKTool Zombie 2 on social media, follow these steps:

  • Go to any of the social media accounts of APKTool Zombie 2 and click on the Follow or Subscribe button.

  • Check your feed or notifications for any new posts or updates from APKTool Zombie 2.

  • Like, comment, share, or retweet any posts or updates that interest you or provide feedback or suggestions.

  • Join or create discussions or threads with other users or developers about APKTool Zombie 2 or related topics.


In this article, we have shown you what is APKTool Zombie 2 and why you should use it, how to install and use APKTool Zombie 2 on your device, how to decode and recompile Android apps using it, how to use it for modding and reverse engineering Android apps, and how to stay updated with the latest version of it. We hope you have learned something new and useful from this article and that you will enjoy using APKTool Zombie 2 for your Android projects. APKTool Zombie 2 is a great tool for anyone who wants to explore, modify, or create Android apps. It is easy to use, powerful, and versatile. It can help you achieve your goals and unleash your creativity. If you have any questions or feedback, feel free to contact us or leave a comment below. Thank you for reading and happy hacking! FAQs

Here are some frequently asked questions and answers about APKTool Zombie 2:

  • What is the difference between APKTool and APKTool Zombie 2?

APKTool Zombie 2 is a fork of the original APKTool with many improvements and features. Some of the main differences are:

  • APKTool Zombie 2 supports Android 12 and higher.

  • APKTool Zombie 2 has a built-in signer and verifier.

  • APKTool Zombie 2 has a better resource decoder and encoder.

  • APKTool Zombie 2 has a faster and more stable smali and baksmali.

  • APKTool Zombie 2 has more options and flags for customization.

  • Is APKTool Zombie 2 safe and legal to use?

APKTool Zombie 2 is safe and legal to use as long as you follow some basic rules:

  • Do not use APKTool Zombie 2 for malicious or illegal purposes.

  • Do not use APKTool Zombie 2 to modify or distribute apps that you do not own or have permission to modify or distribute.

  • Do not use APKTool Zombie 2 to violate the terms of service or privacy policy of any app or service.

  • Do not use APKTool Zombie 2 to infringe the intellectual property rights or trademarks of any app or service.

  • Where can I find more tutorials and guides on how to use APKTool Zombie 2?

You can find more tutorials and guides on how to use APKTool Zombie 2 on the official website, GitHub page, social media accounts, and other online platforms. Here are some links to get you started:

  • : The official documentation of APKTool Zombie 2.

  • : The official wiki of APKTool Zombie 2.

  • : The official YouTube channel of APKTool Zombie 2.

  • : The official subreddit of APKTool Zombie 2.

  • How can I contact the developer of APKTool Zombie 2?

You can contact the developer of APKTool Zombie 2 by using any of the following methods:

  • Email:

  • Twitter:

  • Facebook:

  • Github:

  • How can I support the development of APKTool Zombie 2?

You can support the development of APKTool Zombie 2 by using any of the following methods:

Donate: You can donate to the developer of APKTool Zombie 2 via PayPal, Patreon, GitHub sponsors, or other platforms. Here are some links to do so:

  • : Donate via PayPal.

  • : Donate via Patreon.

  • : Donate via GitHub sponsors.

Contribute: You can contribute to the development of APKTool Zombie 2 by reporting bugs, suggesting features, submitting pull requests, writing documentation, creating tutorials, or spreading the word. Here are some links to do so:

  • : Report bugs or suggest features via GitHub issues.

  • : Submit pull requests via GitHub pull requests.

  • : Write documentation via the official documentation.

  • : Create tutorials via the official YouTube channel.

  • : Spread the word via Twitter.


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